On 30th March, Healthwatch trustees and staff hosted our first online AGM. It was attended by 24 people and focused on the achievements of Healthwatch’s 3 delivery programmes: Children &Young People; Mental Health and Older people. Highlights included: Children and young people – Looked after children’s Initial Health Assessment and Review Health Assessment’s recommendations adopted by the service: -Comprehensive induction programme and training for all social care staff. -Monitoring and improved communication between Mary Sheridan Centre and Children Social Care. -Designated doctor also takes time to write/talk to young people to take up IHA/RHA. Mental health of outpatients in King’s College Hospital: Recommendation that the trust develop a plan to implement all the recommendations that came from two workshops with staff and local mental health groups on how they can work together, including producing resources about services and developing the role of volunteers. Advance Care Planning Consortium: The consortium has reached 1,057 people in our awareness raising sessions; offered 40 people 1-1 support to produce advanced care plans; directly supported 13 people to complete an advanced care plan; trained 61 Supporters to complete advanced care plans with service users and 6 Champions to continue our awareness raising work in the community; expanded our offer to include interactive practitioner briefings to local services and engaged in discussions with hospital trusts, care home providers, CMC, Lambeth Together, GP Practices and PPGs. Black Thrive: Natalie Creary, Director of Black Thrive spoke about the partnership’s achievements including: Children, Young People and Families -Involved over 100 residents including young people to shape the Council’s strategy to reduce violence that affects young people. -Gained the commitment from Lambeth Council to embed an antiracist lens on their public health approach. -Codesigned a wellbeing offer with young Black Men and South London and Maudsley. -Hosted a listening event with the GLA on school exclusions. Working Age Adults
-Influenced the Living Well Network Alliance’s peer support and advocacy offer. -Negotiated an incentivised key performance indicator in the LWNA contract. -Piloted the first Emotional Emancipation Circle in Lambeth. -Engaged local people to shape South London and Maudsley’s ‘Providing Safe and Therapeutic Services Training.’ -Contributed to a Domestic Homicide Review. -Influencing the Violence against Women and Girls Strategy. Influencing resource flows -Designed a role for Lambeth Council to improve engagement with Black communities: AD Community Health and Engagement. -Became a strategic partner for KCL Centre for Society and Mental Health. -Secured funding from GSTTC to improve employment outcomes for Black people living with long term conditions. The reports were welcomed by those who attended and the importance of understanding how partners can embed an antiracist lens on the delivery and funding of health and care services was discussed. If anyone would like a copy of the slide deck, please contact: catherine.pearson@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk |