With regular downpours, July may not have been as sunny as we had hoped, but at Healthwatch Lambeth our moods were boosted by all the activity around our ongoing projects, as well as our attendance at various events in the community. Our Maternity Project assessing maternity services in Lambeth is well under way, with our first focus group taking place last month at Mummy's Day Out; a fantastic organisation that promotes opportunities and aims to reduce isolation. Alongside this, we've started our Primary Care Networks (PCN) Engagement Project and are working alongside Lambeth PCNs to investigate how they can improve the way they engage with their patients. We've also been busy attending outreach events in the community, such as Streatham's Social Prescribing Fair, and are looking forward to other such events in the weeks ahead. Thanks again for your ongoing support, Mairéad Healy CEO Healthwatch Lambeth |