Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual that wants to improve patient safety to become their new Patient Safety Partner. This role requires a commitment of 10 hours per month for an 18-month duration working with the Quality and Assurance Directorate within the Medical Director’s Office. The Patient Safety Partner will be actively involved in the continuing design of safer healthcare at all levels of our organisation and will: - Support the Trust to develop and embed the new National Patient Safety Strategy, with a focus on the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
- Ensure the patient safety committee continues to consider and prioritise the service user, patient, carer and family perspective and champions’ diversity of views
- Be prepared to put forward ideas of how Patient Safety Partners can support the further improvement of patient safety across the organisation and work with staff to put these in place.
The right person for the role would represent the needs and interests of patients, and ultimately improves the quality of patient care. You will need to have an awareness of the range of experiences and perspectives that different people within our communities might have. For example, people that find it difficult to access health services because of socio-economic issues, existing health conditions or accessibility needs. To find out more about the role or to apply, contact Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust at |